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Our Values

We value God above all things. In Him, we embrace the truth He reveals, the love He demonstrates, and the mission He invites us to join.

1. God

Because God is the center of everything we exist to glorify Him. We value God because He is the Creator and beginning of all things. He holds everything together. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present, and the giver of salvation

2. Truth

Because the word of God is Truth, it is the foundation on which we build our lives. We value Jesus as the Truth. He, along with the truth of Scripture, reveals God’s character, plan and salvation. All Scripture is God-breathed, living and the foundation on which we build our lives.

3. Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit was sent to comfort and reveal Truth. He equips, enables, and empowers believers to live out the ordained purposes for their lives. He is the fully active power of God at work in the world today.
John 14:15-27; 1 Corinthians 2:10-16

4. Love

Because God is love and first loved us, our response is to love Him and others. We value love because God is love. He first lavished His unconditional love upon us and has, according to His sovereign will, adopted us as sons and daughters. This compels us to love Him and others. These are the two greatest commandments.

5. Mission

Because God has invited us to join Him on mission, we are compelled to discover and engage in His purposes. We value mission because God has commanded us to make disciples of every man, woman and child. We are created to glorify God by living on mission with God and care for the orphan through the miracle of adoption.

Our Values